WE PRAISE GOD FOR OUR TEENS AND THEIR FAITH WALKS. WE BELIEVE YOUNG PEOPLE ARE NOT ONLY THE CHURCH OF TOMORROW, THEY ARE ALSO THE CHURCH OF TODAY. THEY ARE TO BE SEEN AND HEARD!!!! Junior & Senior High Students meet every Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the BYF Room for a half hour Bible Study and an hour of great fellowship in a relaxed atmosphere. The calendar of events for The Baptist Youth Fellowship in 2007 is exciting. Some highlights thru August: The Baptist Youth Fellowship will be going on a winter-weekend retreat to High Point Camp in Pennsylvania. The speaker for the weekend will be Cali Magellanes. Cali was born in Mexico and grew up in California. He is a veteran of the United States Marines and a graduate of The Master's Bible College. He works at Baseball Chapel as the chaplain for the New York Mets. We are planning work days at Urban Promise in Camden. Jim Cummings, a director at Urban Promise, will be coming to First Baptist to talk with us about the importance of the work our teens will be doing. An art show is also being planned to highlight Urban Promise students' art work and to raise funds for the program. This summer the second-half of our Hamburg Church Exchange will take place with young people from Germany being hosted by the teens of First Baptist. Vacation Bible School will take place the first full week of August and our teens play an integral part in this spirit-filled outreach to the children of the community. Click on "Teen Page" for Schedule of Activities. |